MiScore App – Free trial ending 30 October 2020

Published on 1st October 2020 in Uncategorized
Over the past 6-months, the MiScore App was provided free of charge by Mi-Club to aid in the reducing the spread of the COVID–19 virus. 

We have seen the many benefits associated with using MiScore for score entry. The digital score entry process reduces physical contact to ensure covid-safe golf activity, and is environmentally-friendly. The efficiency of digitally entering scores also produces faster competition results and pace of play. Members can also enjoy some additional features including live leader boards, player statistics, automated score calculation, and interactive distance measurement.

MiClub’s offer of 6-months use at no cost is expiring on 30 October 2020, and two options were presented going forward:

  • A Club based subscription, with allows the use of the App at Yarrambat only, and would require the addition of $20 to each member’s annual fee to cover the cost of this service. (Cost based on the MiScore annual fees and our current member numbers – MiClub advise that the Club subscription is suited to clubs with in excess of 500 members)
  • We acknowledge that this would be an impost on a number of our members who are traditionalists, or who choose not to use the app, or do not have a mobile phone with which to do so (or their phone was last updated on the Ark and requires its own buggy!) 


  • An individual user subscription at $16.50 p.a. for those members & visitors who choose to use it (and as long as COVID-19 is rampant across the world the R&A will approve digital scoring). With a User Subscription, golfers can also use MiScore at any MiClub client course (500 plus venues) for social scoring and GPS distance measurement. Score entry for competitions is also available, subject to the club or event organiser approving this method of score entry. Golfers can purchase MiScore on the Apple Store or Google Play Store.

The Committee has made the decision to progress the individual user subscription model, so as not to require and increase in fees across the board, at a price that would be higher than the individual user subscription.


Members wishing to continue using the MiScore app after 30 October will  be required to subscribe. 

Manual scorecard entry may be available (by exception) dependent on the rules regarding a return to golf.


Regards, and only 18 more days. 🤞 

Stuart Thompson

President YGC

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