Considerations for the upcoming YGC AGM

Published on 4th December 2020 in Uncategorized



To clarify requirements and proceedings for the YGC 2020 AGM.

  • A register of attendance is required by the CHO to be kept for public gatherings / attendance at certain places to assist with contact tracing if required.
  • There are density limits and gathering limits presently imposed by the CHO, and we must plan according to those guideleines – hence the limit of 50 that can attend in person.
  • The agenda is limited only to those mandatory requirements for an AGM, to limit the gathering and exposure time – there is no requirement for any other matters to be tabled at an AGM
  • The Chair of the meeting, can permit deviation from the agenda at their discretion.
  • If you can’t attend, and feel strongly about anything on the agenda, then please designate someone who shares, or is willing to express your views as your proxy

It is a pretty full day, with golf, then informal presentations and then the AGM, and as we are unable to do a lunch for everyone (even finger food presents an unacceptable risk to members and staff)- the intent is to keep things moving along and not draw the day out, unnecessarily increasing close proximity exposure or taking up your whole day.

By way of explanation, this format was also used recently by the Greensborough RSL at their AGM (see image below). We are all working under new and challenging conditions this year, and we all need to be flexible and adapt to the changing environment. (Bearing in mind we start importing the virus into Victoria again on Sunday 6th with international arrivals re-commencing)

Regarding the proposed Special Resoution to amend the Rules of Association as permitted under s.77 of the Rules: (which, only if passed by no less than 75% of those present – will ultimately have to be ratified by the independent Registrar of Consumer Affairs Victoria – for inclusion in the YGC Rules of Association)

s.77 Alteration of Rules

These Rules may only be altered by special resolution of a general meeting of the Association.

Note: An alteration of these Rules does not take effect unless or until it is approved by the Registrar.

It has been previously identified, on a number of occasions and by various different committees that decisions of disciplinary committees (with independent members drawn from the ranks of members) are often overturned, because only the friends of the disciplined member turn up at an appeal meeting.

At present, at a special general meeting (a disciplinary appeal meeting) open to all members, the decision of an independent disciplinary sub-committee can be revoked if 26% of those present vote against the decision.

To put the current rule in context: Average attendance at YGC meetings is 35-45, if a member was suspended or expelled for assaulting another member, continued bullying or abuse of others or even for blatant cheating in the Club Championship, all they would need is 9 or 10 mates to turn up and they would be re-instated and immune from further Club sanction. If you think this is the right or fair result, then simply vote against the resolution.

This means that currently the wishes of the vast majority of members (74%) who made the effort to be present at the meeting can be overturned by as few as 8 (of the 280+ members on our roll) – and we saw this happen recently at the meeting leading to Colin Hall and 2/3 of the Committee resigning abruptly, throwing the Club governance structure into chaos.

The intent of the proposed change is to ensure the wishes of the majority of members will be followed, nothing more, nothing less – there is no removal of power from the members vote – just a shift to supporting the wishes of the many over those of the few. 


As most would know, I am happy to discuss any matter, with any member, at any time, as is John Ward or any of the Committee.

Please feel free to reach out for clarification of any concerns, and, above all – enjoy your game on our magnificent, and constantly improving course.


Stuart Thompson

President YGC


Greensborough RSL AGM notice – for reference for those who may believe there is no basis for the decisions being made to protect our Club member’s health and wellbeing.







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