President’s Cup 1/4 Final Results

Published on 13th March 2021 in Uncategorized

Good afternoon,

In blustery, yet balmy conditions today the quarter finals produced some remarkable golf  – with all 4 matches tight after 9.

Gilbert managed to avenge Jacqui and took out Ash on the 15th 4&3,

Wardy took Sammy Saykan to the 20th hole, and missed out on going the 21st hole by 2 inches

Howard brought his best back foot fade away pirouettes to the tee, but went down to the Prez 4&2, and

Michelle did maintain her consistency against the reigning Cup holder Dale – knocking him off 4&3 on the 15th to move to outright favouritism with the bookies. 

Cards for next week’s semi-finals will be in the Pro Shop on the morning of the comp.

Sammy Saykan takes on Gilbert Lamoureux (in what could be a scratch match).

Michelle Marshall takes on the Prez (and he will need to bring his best to even get close!)



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