Royal Children’s Hospital Appeal

Published on 28th March 2021 in Uncategorized

Thank you to all our members who contributed so generously at both the Wednesday and Saturday events. Despite the potentially inclement weather reducing the field to 60 odd on both days (although it turned out to be fine and sunny) together we raised an impressive $2,630 for the kids!

A list of the raffle prize winners is posted below – see Joe on Monday or Wednesday to collect them. (Vince, you will need a wheelbarrow!).

A big thanks to Sam Saykan and Wally Westcott (spruikers extraordinaire), and John Ward and Sammy Pandarakanu who handled the sausage sizzles – we plowed though nearly 250 snags and 15 loaves of bread! 🌭, special thanks to Captain Joe Caruana who pulled it all together, selling tickets throughout the two days and organising the impressive list of prizes. Thanks also to Rob Para for the use of his gazebo to keep our snag chefs protected from the elements. 

Finally, thank you to all of the prize sponsors: Barry Thompson at the RSL Greensborough, Jim Panovski at Lower Plenty Liquor and Hotel, Mitch Walker and Belgravia Leisure, Brock Gillard and Aaron Attwell, Doug Barwick at Drummond Golf Preston, Bunnings Mill Park, Coles Supermarket Mill Park, Grasslands Café, Angela Ward at Absolute Fasteners and Energy Wellness.

Please show your appreciation by supporting these local businesses and make sure they know you are from Yarrambat GC when you visit.


Stuart Thompson

President YGC


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