Royal Children’s Hospital Appeal 2021

Published on 21st March 2021 in Uncategorized

Dear Members,

We band together this year (to put aside the annus horribilus that was 2020) and once again raise funds for the Royal Children’s Hospital Appeal so those children doing it tough can have access to the best treatment and support available.

Yarrambat Golf Club is doing its bit by holding two charity golf days: Wednesday 24th and Saturday 27th March (coinciding with the much anticipated Final of the President’s Cup between Sam Saykan and Michelle Marshall).

The format will be STABLEFORD off the White Course / Blue Domes (Men) / Red Course / Red Domes (Ladies), with a $10 entry and a donation for any (-) scratches scored

Normal competition prizes will also be awarded..(but the aim of the day is to have fun, and be a good human being)

A BBQ will be available all day from 08:30-9AM, so drop by for a snag 🌭during or after your round.

This year we will hold a Lucky Number Raffle, (to save Joe’s finger from scrunching) and there are some really great prizes on offer – lucky number sales in the proshop area or at the BBQ! (Prizes drawn on Saturday and winners notified by website or text) 

Lucky Numbers.

$2 each

3 for $5 

7 for $10

Thanks to all our sponsors for their generous donations.

Get your group together (guests welcome both days) and, to dig out an old slogan,  “Give so they may grow!”

On behalf of the YGC Committee;

Stuart Thompson


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