Seniors Pennant

Published on 2nd March 2021 in Uncategorized

The two teams headed to Rosanna this week both needing big wins after a slow start to the season, to try and secure a place in the finals.

Both teams were tackling their divisional cellar dwellers, with the Reds up against Strathallan, and the Blacks taking on Whittlesea.

Rosanna is a pretty site (not as picturesque as Yarrambat, but nice in its own way) and a ‘lovely walk’, with a course that requires players to be accurate to be successful.

The tree lined fairways and small greens mean the course can be quite challenging, and  like yarrambat, the par 3’s at Rosanna will test any golfer’s mettle.

A testament to the never say die attitude was clearly demonstrated by the Red’s Paul Ceberano. Paul started his round on the 17th, but he found trouble on the18th, having put his two balls into the dam. Not one to waste balls unnecessarily, Paul wandered to the edge, and spotted his ball in the shallows.

Apparently there was a sign that may or may not have read “Caution – Slippery” – but Paul being an elite sportsman, trusted his balance and set to retrieve his ball. from there it quickly turned south, with Paul deciding that perhaps an uncontrolled, head-first slide would be the best approach to enable him to reach out for his ball.

He was treading water, which surprisingly for a dam, was quite deep and cold, and then with the assistance of his playing group, he was pulled unceremoniously for the depths. Undeterred he squelched his way around the course, slogged on, swam against the tide, and overcame adversity to triumph 1up. (Please let’s not repeat the mid round swim!)

This win, along with the great performance from the rest of the Reds sees them one tied match from top place and right in contention.


The Blacks battled all day and squared their match against Whittlesea, with close, last hole, losses to Gavin and Rod Heideman, and will need a really big win at home in two weeks to see Finals action.

Come on down on the 15th and support the teams as they go for glory!




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