Scuba diver wanted?

Published on 19th April 2021 in Uncategorized

After hearing about Paul Ceberano’s legendary efforts just to salvage a golf ball at Rosanna recently, rumour has it that one of our members (no names to protect the guilty) decided that either:

  1. his clubs needed a clean
  2. his bag needed a clean
  3. his Par Maker electric buggy needed a clean
  4. his phone and wallet could do with a tub
  5. he should probably lay up (his buggy) next time
  6. all of the above.

He was last seen raking it in at a popular local Yarrambat fishing hole, in search of the elusive “Scotty Cameron” and that other fish with high metal content the “9 Iron” – but both were proving elusive, and perhaps a change of bait would be needed. 

Pictures below are for illustrative purposes only, and may or may not resemble the unfortunate culprit.





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