aaand we’re back! (🤞hopefully for good this time!)
Published on 9th June 2021 in Uncategorized⛳️🏌🏻♀️🏌️Golf resumes this Friday 🏌️🏌🏻♀️⛳️
- 25 KM travel limit applies
- please do not arrive too early
- members must use the QR code to check in
- masks must be carried and worn indoors – no excuses or conspiracy theories accepted
- 100m distance must be maintained between groups
- max groups of 10 people outdoors, so please watch your spacing
- no gathering in large numbers at the fountain etc
- patience and courtesy must be displayed to all staff, public and other members
- syllabus may be re-jigged to facilitate key events
- the cafe /restaurant is closed this weekend. There is to be be no “lingering around” post round.
*Reminder: $5 notes only in a real envelope please.