AGM Update

Published on 20th December 2021 in Uncategorized


The end of year presentation day was played in hot and windy conditions, some groups revelled whilst others wilted. The achievements over the past 12 months were celebrated and awards held triumphantly aloft!

We then got down to the business of the Annual General Meeting and acknowledged Paul Sharpe and Stephen Mudd both of whom passed in the last 12 months.

The President’s report was brief and Financials per the Annual Report tabled, keeping proceedings brief, mindful of the lurking Omicron variant.


We thank, and acknowledge the contributions of, two Committee members stepping down this year; Rob Paravizzini – who held a number of roles over the years, including Captain, Junior co-ordinator, match and general committee and Lesley O’Connell who served on the match and general committee.

There were no additional nominations received; so the Committee were elected unopposed into the following positions. 

President Stuart Thompson
Vice President Jenny Bernhardt
Treasurer Mark Huybers
Captain Joe Caruana
Vice Captain Michael Lester
Handicapper Mark Wilson
Committee Howard Thomsett
Committee Peter Lowrey
Committee John Cobbett

Vouchers & Prizes:

As previously published, after the COVID events of 2020/2021, and the numerous protracted lockdowns, the Committee extended the expiry date of all prize vouchers awarded in late 2019 and through Dec ember 2020 by 6 months and more. That extension period ended on June 30, and any vouchers issued prior to 1 January 2021 are expired and void.

As raised at the AGM, the current voucher system is unsustainable as the ‘old’ GC website that was used to create the records is no longer supported and required a laborious rebuilding of every competition to produce and then mail out the vouchers. This process to up to 4 hours per competition to finalise. 

NEW process:

From 1st January 2022, prize vouchers will no longer be issued and all prize amounts will be credited to each member’s Belgravia account. This credit can be used in the pro-shop, range, café, bar or on-course. This also supports the course that supports us.

Those who do not have a Belgravia account will have one created, at no cost, solely for use to credit prizes. 

Actual ‘ball’ vouchers will no longer be issued, but will be credited to your account at a value of $6.00. They cannot be used for  Competition entry.

Any vouchers issued between 1 January 2021 and 31 December 2021 will be honoured until 30 June 2022, and those ball vouchers can be used a competition entry fee if so desired. These vouchers will also be redeemable at the usual locations until 30 June 2022.

If you find that the items you want are not in stock, please speak with Brock or the the pro shop staff regarding what can be arranged.

Please check your records for any unclaimed vouchers, you can also use the voucher number to check with the pro shop staff to ensure a voucher has not been previously claimed.

After 30 June 2022 “old’ vouchers will no longer be redeemable.


‘Nearest the Pin’ will return on the 1st January – this will obviously reduce the ball rundown list which was expanded during the NTP suspension, but we will be happy to see them back.

We hope to return to normal scheduling for the AGM and Awards presentation day in 2022.

On behalf of the YGC Committee, I wish all members a safe and Merry Christmas, and a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year (see you all bright and chirpy on New Year’s day for the first medal round!)

Stuart Thompson

President YGC




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