Congratulations Paul Clifton!

Published on 14th March 2022 in Uncategorized

Taking full advantage of the peace and quiet resulting from his usual group being away up on the Murray, Paul enjoyed a peaceful Saturday morning playing with his son (and new member) Aaron Clifton, Victor Cheche and Roland Westlow.

After a ‘solid’ start Paul stepped up to the tee on the 5th hole where the tee was were positioned on the right hand tee box, and slightly forward. Realising a 7 iron wouldn’t be enough, Paul used all his local knowledge, pulled out his driver and struck it solidly. He landed it (well) short of the green to ‘allow it to release’ to the back pin position, and then watched in disbelief as it rolled across the green and dropped in the hole! Apparently the roar was heard echoing through the Plenty Valley for some time after the shot.

A hole in one! Well done Paul.

For some inexplicable reason though, Paul continued to play with his hole-in-one ball (perhaps hoping for a second??) and duly lost it in the water on the 16th hole.

Rumour has it he is getting a scuba recovery team in this week.


A video of the event is available and will be added to this post in due course.

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