SLOW PLAY HAS CREPT BACK IN! Be the one to do something about it.

Published on 1st March 2022 in Uncategorized

Attention members,

No one likes slow play or 5 hour rounds and often we will look to blame others, instead of looking first at ourselves.

Every single player is responsible for their own pace of play, and whilst the ‘low marker’ should be monitoring pace of play – it is up to each and every player to ‘pick it up’.  

Ensure you are always aware of your place in the field!

It is the responsibility of all members to be proactive in addressing slow play – don’t look at someone else

  • Keep up with the group ahead – not ahead of the group behind 
  • Watch your ball till it stops (your marker should also watch your ball)and then walk straight to it when you can do so safely.
  • If you think it might be hard to find, hit a provisional – and remember there is a 3 minute maximum search time (start a timer on your phone!)

Don’t bunch and chat in the middle of the fairway while one player plays their shot;

  • go to your ball
  • assess your shot,
  • select your club,
  • have your practice swing/s (& don’t have 5 or 6 on the tee!)
  • be ready to hit
  • maximum 40 seconds to play your shot

Play “ready golf” (except in match-play); if you can hit safely – do so.

Allow shorter hitters to tee off first, and if you only hit 200 off the tee, your 4 iron isn’t going to go 230 to the green! (Be realistic with your abilities)

  • Leave your buggy / bag at the side of the green nearest the next tee – not in front of the green!
  • When walking to the green, assess your line and putt as you approach.
  • Hole out your short putts (don’t mark them again) unless you will be standing on another player’s line.
  • Do not score while on the green. Scores should be marked on tees while other players are hitting.
  • No practice putting after you finish the hole.
  • Move quickly to the next tee after you have putted out.

Any group that is unduly delaying a following group must let the following group through if asked to do so.

Slow play will be subject to close scrutiny by the Match Committee and penalties will be applied. Your round time will be assessed against the field and the group in front – and to say “we finished in 4 1/2 hours” is not good enough. Aim for 4 1/4 or even 4 hours – competition golf is not a Sunday stroll – save that for around the lake, on a Sunday afternoon!

Penalties for slow play include,

  • a warning for a first time,
  • loss of hole,
  • loss of strokes,
  • loss of match, or
  • being moved to the rear of the field (regardless of when you like to play)

Slow play impacts every golfer around you, and every group behind you until the sun sets. The knock on effect can ruin everyone’s day.

Round times start from your scheduled tee times – do not hit off early, as this causes bunching in the field and slows play in a domino effect. Total round times will be examined holistically against scheduled tee time, time your MiScore App was started and the time you finished or submitted your score – relative to the group in front and behind.

If you do experience a longer round than usual, please don’t abuse other players or members – raise it through the appropriate channels.



YGC Match Committee

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