Completion of competition rounds.

Published on 27th June 2022 in Uncategorized


Over recent weeks the Match Committee have observed a number of instances where a player, or players, has failed to complete a competition round for reasons that include “inclement” weather. Please be aware that a player who “without just cause fails to complete two or more competition rounds in a 6 week period” is in breach of our Code of Conduct.   It is the Match Committee’s view that there are few acceptable reasons for the failure to complete a round, and unless the course is closed due to dangerous weather conditions, inclement weather is not one of them. 

If you believe inclement weather is likely to be an issue for you during a round, you should withdraw from the competition before the appropriate booking closure time for that day (8:30pm the night before). The practice of not finishing a round, and departing the course, can cause problems for your marker but, more importantly, it brings into question the integrity of your Golf Australia handicap.

Provisional GA Handicap – If a player accrues five or more ‘No Score – Not Approved’ entries in their most recent 20 actual scores, their handicap status will automatically be downgraded by GOLF Link to ‘Provisional’.

Members are therefore encouraged to complete all rounds and submit all competition cards. If a member cannot complete a round due to legitimate injury or illness, a card should still be submitted with the annotation that they ”retired due to sickness/injury”.  The reason the round was not completed can be noted and this will not be recorded as a “No Score – Not Approved”.

As per Golf Australia’s recommendation players with Provisional GA Handicaps are eligible to play in competition fields but that they are NOT eligible to win any prizes.

The Match Committee will be investigating incomplete rounds.  The minimum penalty for not completing 2 rounds in competition over a 6 week period, without just cause, is suspension from competition for up to 1 week. Details of more significant penalties are set out in the Code of Conduct in the Resources section of the website.


YGC Match Committee

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