Temporary local rule – preferred lies.

Published on 25th June 2022 in Uncategorized

Temporary local rule #1:

“Preferred lies” – one hand span relief – no closer to the hole – (effective from 11 June 2022 until rescinded or modified) in the general area & bunkers only – NOT including penalty areas.

(Also known as mark, lift. clean and replace) – and unless you move quickly between shots, a 4 ball group taking this relief ( up to 400 times a round) will add at least 20 minutes to a round of golf!

**Additional ‘back of line’ relief can be taken outside a bunker, with an additional one stroke penalty added.

PENALTY AREA OPTIONS: “Play it as it lies or incur the relevant penalty option

**There are no ‘preferred lies’ or ‘plugged ball’ relief options if your ball is in any penalty area.

_ If your ball is in a yellow staked penalty area you have 3 options

  1. Replay the shot from where you last played it (penalty 1 stroke)
  2. Take the ball outside the penalty area, going back on a line from where it crossed the margin, keeping that point between you and the flag (no nearer the flag) (penalty 1 stroke)
  3. Play it ‘as it lies’ in the penalty area (i.e., from the water, plugged in the mud, in the reeds etc) (no penalty)

_ If your ball is in a red staked penalty area – you have one additional option to those above (one penalty stroke)

  1. Lateral relief – two club lengths sideways) – from where it last crossed the margin of the penalty area (No nearer the hole.)

Course care:


All buggies are to be kept off tees and greens, and where possible avoid the fringes of the greens and heavily trafficked areas that are obviously wet.

Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES are buggies to be taken across the 5th green. Walk around the GUR at the base of the hill and stop destroying the course because of sheer laziness or wilful & selfish disregard.

Motorised Carts and Ride Ons

If a path is available – carts and ride-ons should remain on that path – no driving on, over or near the tees boxes

Carts are not permitted within 10 metre of greens, nor off the path on the 16th once past the penalty area

We all need to work together to keep our course in the best condition possible.

Thank you.

Stuart Thompson

President YGC

On behalf of;

YGC Match Committee

YPGC Management

GolfCourse Solutions

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