Local Rule changes.
Published on 30th November 2022 in Uncategorized
- The temporary playing condition of preferred lies in the general area has been rescinded effective immediately .
- A new, temporary, Local Rule to address Corella damage has been added effective Saturday 3 December 2022 until further advised.
The corellas are back and each year their numbers seem to increase. The damage they cause to the course is just one part of the problem, the other issue is how do players proceed if their ball comes to rest in damage caused by corellas.
Realising there needs to be more clarity for players, the Match Committee has introduced a new local rule. Players will now have clear guidelines on how to proceed if their ball comes to rest in corella damage in the general area.
Not wanting to give any player an unfair advantage and trying to maintain, as close as possible, the premise that you ‘play the ball as it lies’, we have decided that a (1) one handspan relief area would be sufficient.
This rule essentially gives a player the option to mark, then lift their ball out of a hole or other damage caused by the corellas, and also to remove any loose impediments. The player can then place their ball on clear ground within a handspan of the original position.
Please speak with or contact a Match Committee member if you require any further clarification of this new local rule.
Relief may be taken, without penalty, if a player’s ball comes to rest in damage caused by corellas within the general area.
Interference does not exist if the corella damage only interferes with the player’s stance.
The relief area permitted is one (1) handspan from the position of your ball, no closer to the hole. Rules 14.2b and 14.2e.
Penalty for playing a ball from a wrong place in breach of Local Rule: General penalty under rule 14.7a
How to take relief under this local rule
Procedure to take relief without penalty from corella damage within the general area:
- Identify that your ball is in damage caused by corellas.
- Mark your ball before lifting or moving it.
- Lift your ball. (You are allowed to clean your ball).
- Measure the relief area from the marked position (within one hand span).
- You may remove any loose impediments, including loose overturned clumps of corella diggings that are not attached to the ground.
- Replace your ball within the relief area.
YGC Match Committee