Belgravia Foundation Fundraiser

Published on 8th January 2023 in Uncategorized



On Wednesday 11th and Saturday 14th January we held the YGC Belgravia Foundation Fundraiser BBQ and Ambrose.

Both days turned out great weather, although Saturday was a bit steamy! Our thanks to Peter Lowrey, Jenny Bernhardt and Paul Murtagh for spending the day on the grill! 

Across the two days we raised over $500 dollars on the BBQ – that’s a lotta sausage (although the Prez was seen to have at least 6 snags on both days!) to make a total over $1260.

These funds will be used to improve the junior golf experience on the Range – and our members will also benefit from these improvements.

Thanks you all for your generosity, and congratulations to the winners. It is great to see our members mixing it up across the groups on these days, and playing with different people.


Happy golfing,

Joe Caruana

Club Captain

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