Suspension of Play – What happens now?
Published on 8th December 2023 in UncategorizedAll,
On Saturday 2 December, a situation again arose as the result of inclement weather causing temporary standing water to accumulate on some greens, and a decision was taken to temporarily suspend play.
This was communicated to mist players by committee and with assistance from a staff member from the Pro Shop, but it appears the message was not clearly conveyed to all.
Some groups thought that played was cancelled, others that play was suspended, and others that play must stop. This mixed messaging created some confusion.
As a result of this, a number of communication failures resulted; with some members – thinking the competition had been cancelled, picking up their balls and walking from the course.
As was communicated in November 2020, the last time this occurred, we reiterate:
To be very clear to all our members going forward:-
- A YGC competition, once commenced, will not be cancelled in the first instance
- A YGC competition cannot be cancelled by the Pro Shop Staff.
- Pro Shop staff may only advise of a suspension of play, at which point players should mark their balls in position and not play any further (unless holing out, searching or taking a drop).
- If lightning is the cause of the suspension, all play must cease and members move to a place of safety or the clubhouse and await further advice regarding the state of play.
If play is suspended, and until the Committee advise otherwise, always assume that you will be going out to finish the round.
In summary – play may be initially suspended due safety concerns such as fire or lightning, or if the holes are inundated with water such that the entire hole is surrounded and the hole temporarily unplayable.
Once those conditions have passed, play will resume (even if it is still raining) – this suspension may be 1/2 hr, 1 hour or more – and the Committee will provide updates, as necessary, regarding resumption of play. Whilst it is inconvenient for some to have the round delayed, any player who chooses not to complete a resumed round will be disqualified.
“The Rules:”
The R&A have specific conditions regarding the Suspension & Resumption of play:-
Suspensions and Resumptions of Play
- Immediate and Normal Suspensions of Play
There are two types of suspensions of play that a Committee can order, each with different requirements for when players must stop play (see Rule 5.7b).
- Immediate suspension (such as when there is imminent danger – lightning/fire). If the Committee declares an immediate suspension of play, all players must stop play at once and must not make another stroke until the Committee resumes play.
- Normal suspension (such as for darkness or unplayable course). If the Committee suspends play for normal reasons, what happens next depends on whether a group is between two holes or playing a hole.
When play is suspended, the Committee will need to evaluate if the players should be left in position on the course or brought in to the clubhouse.
Whether a suspension is immediate or normal, the Committee should ensure play resumes as soon as it is possible to do so. Players will resume play from where they stopped.
(2) Deciding When to Suspend and Resume Play
Deciding when play should be suspended and then resumed can be difficult decisions for a Committee. A Committee should take the following guidelines into consideration:
- Lightning
The Committee should use whatever means it has available to determine if there is a danger from lightning and take what actions it believes are appropriate. Players may also stop play on their own when they believe there is a danger from lightning, and notify the Committee as soon as possible.
When the Committee concludes there is no further danger from lightning and orders play to be resumed, players must resume play.
- Water
If all the area around a hole is covered in temporary water and it cannot be removed, in stroke play the course should be considered unplayable and the Committee should suspend play under Rule 5.7.
In match play, if the water cannot be removed, the Committee may suspend play or relocate the hole.
- Resumption of Play
When play is to be resumed following a suspension, players will resume play from where they stopped (see Rule 5.7d).
Stopping Play; Resuming Play
A When Players May or Must Stop Play
During a round, a player must not stop play except in these cases:
- Suspension by Committee. All players must stop play if the Committee suspends play. The Committee will evaluate if evacuation is required
- Stopping Play by Agreement in Match Play. Players in a match may agree to stop play for any reason, except if doing so delays the competition. If they agree to stop play and then one player wants to resume play, the agreement has ended and the other player must resume play.
- Individual Player Stopping Play Because of Lightning. A player may stop play if he or she reasonably believes there is danger from lightning, but must report to the Committee as soon as possible.
If a player stops play for any reason not allowed under this Rule or fails to report to the Committee when required to do so, the player is disqualified.
John Ward
Captain YGC
Chair YGC Match Committee