Twilight Tuesdays (aka Chicken Run!)

Published on 21st November 2021 in Uncategorized

Wondering what to do with all this extra daylight?

Looking for an excuse to get out of the house or away from your housemate?

Just want to avoid the Yan Yean Rd traffic snarl?

Or maybe looking to get some practice or pennant warm up in during the week?

With the “warmer” weather just around the corner, rock on up on 🐔Tuesdays from 4:40 to 5:40 for a relaxed 9 hole stableford round on the back 9.

Play casual, friendly golf or play your mates for coffee, beer, skins or sheep stations (with a beverage afterward) – bring your best banter.

$5 entry, 🐓 prizes are awarded on the night. (Funds raised go toward the pennant teams) 

Open to any player with a handicap, visitors welcome – new members getting their handicap are also welcome.



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