October return & Membership renewal advice.

Published on 27th September 2020 in Uncategorized

Dear Members,

As mentioned earlier, due to the COVID-19 directives from the CHO regarding public gatherings, CAV has granted an extension of time to hold the AGM, and as such 2020/2021 membership fees will remain unchanged. More information on the AGM will follow as the situation unfolds and we move toward Step 4 and a ‘COVID-normal’ – whatever that may look like.

After the disappointing announcements made by the Premier today (Sunday 27 Sept), it would seem we are gearing toward a 19th October return to golf. We are hopeful, however that when we do return it will also be under near normal conditions (4 balls & 18 holes) with the accepted transmission reduction local rules for bunkers / flags.

Visit the Yarrambat Park Golf Course for further course updates  or subscribe for updates at the bottom of this link.

(Fair Warning: It may be that the Course staff will require that day to restock & prepare for re-opening, so we may not return to the course til the 20th)

It is anticipated that the 2020/2021 membership renewals will be forwarded to your nominated email in the first week of October, and that with the implementation of ‘COVID-19 safe working practices’, only bank transfer/deposit will be available this year. Details will be on the form and payments finalised before 1 November 2020. 

For bank deposit / transfer, it is vital you record your name as the ‘reference’ full name so we can match your payment.

We appreciate some member still do not have email, so a link to the renewal form will be placed on this page once renewals are sent.

2020-2021 Membership renewal form 


If required a hard copy can be posted or picked up at the Course when we return to play.


Also – we still have a number of club members claiming to be born in 1990 and who have obviously had a really rough life – so please update you records to reflect your correct date of birth!



Stuart Thompson

President YGC

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