December 16th & 19th
Published on 29th November 2020 in UncategorizedFellow members,
This year has been, and continues to be, unprecedented in the changes to the way we go about our daily lives, how we interact with others, and how we can visit family or gather in groups etc.
Due to indoor dining (20 people per space) and ‘public gathering’ restrictions (maximum of 50 people) planning for the end of year has been a constantly shifting horizon and very challenging. Whilst there is still a degree of uncertainty and an element of risk or concern regarding larger numbers gathering, the end of 2020, as befitting the rest of the year we have had, will sadly be disappointing for many.
We are unable to host an end of year function, or ‘proper’ presentation day, because of the CHO limits, and we cannot plan ahead based on what easing of restrictions we hope may be announced in the weeks to come.
As such, even holding an end of year Ambrose golf event is challenging – as a shot gun start could result in a “gathering for a common purpose” in excess of the permitted 50 people. So whilst we still intend to hold an Ambrose event on both Wednesday and Saturday, arrivals must be managed to ensure the is no excessive gathering around the Pro Shop / Café areas.
We would ask that groups move directly out to their allotted tees on arrival to avoid such excess gatherings, and perhaps order ahead and grab your morning coffee from the café on the way through 9 to 10 or 18 to 1
The format will be 4 ball Ambrose – select your own playing groups of 4 – and there is no entry fee payable (both days.)
Wednesday format:
8 AM/8:10AM shotgun start – 4 ball Ambrose – unseeded select your own friends / playing groups.
Informal presentation on Midweek Medals may be arranged for those unable to make the Club Presentation Day on Saturday.
Saturday format:
8 AM/8:10AM Shotgun start – 4 ball Ambrose – unseeded select your own fiends / playing groups.
12:30 Informal presentation of trophies from 2019/20
1:15 PM – 2:15 PM YGC AGM (see prior post)
Due to the restrictions, and also to minimise the time spent in close proximity, is it hoped that we can perform the necessary functions, as smoothly and quickly as possible, to ensure we can all stay as safe as possible.
We appreciate that this has been a very difficult year, and a ‘proper’ celebration would have been a great way to way to emerge from the crap that was 2020 – but in the words of Premier Dan – “We are not there yet“, and as we have seen recently in South Australia, it doesn’t take much to cause panic, distress and shutdowns!
Hopefully we can look forward to a full Club function/gathering early next year to bring us all back together and emerge fully ‘into the light’.
We appreciate your understanding in what are “unprecedented times”; times that call for flexibility and patience. Hopefully things will get back to (Post COVID-19) ‘normal’ soon – and the impending international arrivals will be handled properly, so there is no risk to our wider community.
Stuart Thompson
President YGC