New Tee Markers
Published on 1st January 2021 in UncategorizedMembers,
As part of the body of work to be undertaken to improve the course condition; the teeing grounds are high on the agenda.
To enable course ground staff to effectively manage the wear on the tee boxes, and to prevent holes developing (such as the back of the 9th or all of the par 3’s between the bricks) it is planned for the the course to be set up correctly, with the bricks used as general indicator of distance from the centre of the teeing ground to the centre of the green. So that, as with the PGA, tees can be brought forward or moved back, or positioned to the left or right of the teeing ground; this enables the wear to be balanced, and for the tees to rejuvenate between rounds.
We all have seen (and grumbled about) the wear spots on holes where everyone tees off from the same spot – such as the right side of the 4th and the 9th, and the par 3’s never get a chance to recover as people tee off from the line between the bricks – gold, red or blue.
From 1 January 2021 – the yellow domes (and white bricks) will be removed and replaced by blue domes (for the time being). The appropriate teeing ground will be set depending on the competition on the day. The Course Superintendent, Andrew Wright, and his staff taking over the setting of the tees with guidance provided by the Committee and Course Pro.
Soon, in conjunction with Golf Australia, the bricks/plates will be re-positioned into the centre of the relevant teeing ground, this will maximise the teeing area available and provide flexibility of play; so you don’t play the same hole, the same way, every week.
In some cases, this may be in the rough between existing teeing grounds – to enable both tee areas to be used for particular course. After all variety is the spice of life!
Play for YGC men will be either:
Gold Course – Blue Domes, or
Blue Course – Blue Domes.
Play for YGC Ladies will be:
Red Course – Red Domes
New signage will be erected on the 1st and 10th tees to advise the general public that the Movable Blue tees are for YGC Member Competitions only, and the white domes will remain for public / social play.
This will also enable the wear of the tees to be better managed and enable works to commence to level the teeing grounds.
These measures, just like the restrictions on golf carts near tees and greens and keeping push/remote buggies off greens are aimed at improving the condition of the course to ensure better playing conditions for all our members.
Bottom line – from 01/01/2021 onwards every YGC Competition will be played from the Blue Domes or Red Domes.
(So don’t go looking for yellow domes or plates – they may not be where you expect them to be.)
Any questions feel free to ask the Match Committee, myself or Brock. Please don’t disrupt the ground staff – they are working hard on the course and we don’t want to interrupt them!
If you are a 7 day Belgravia Member ensure you enquire with the Pro Shop for your 7 Day Belgravia Member Reward card negotiated for you by your Committee (as compensation for the Belgravia 7 Day under 40’s Special)– rewards commenced January 1st and are valid for the month of issue only.
Stuart Thompson
President YGC