Published on 20th January 2021 in UncategorizedCongratulations Colin Murphy,
Playing in perfect conditions and coming off a solid string of one pointers over the tough stretch of 5 through 7, Colin walked to the 8th needing a solid hole to resurrect his round.
Colin stepped confidently to the tee, and eyed off the green on the 8th, a tricky front pin just below the ridge line.
Colin was tossing up whether to fly the green, get some check to hold near the front, or to land short and pop it up to the green letting it release to the hole. Wisely he chose the latter option, struck it crisply, right on line.
It landed just short of the front edge, popped up, two bounces, hit the pin and dropped in onto the crisp new foam.
Hole-in-one!! ⛳
Playing partners Ronnie Titterton and John Robinson were jumping for joy (true story) in celebration and his marker (so I hear) was hugging and kissing the lucky bugger!
Hole-in-one odds for an amateur: 1 in 12,500 or once in 3000 rounds! (and a 1 for 6 points – very handy that!!)
Well done Colin!
p.s. keep that ball in a safe place!
And before anyone gets too excited the 4th in the group was Colin’s wife (and now envious golf tragic) Claire! 😉
Stuart Thompson
President YGC