Do your bit to address slow play!

Published on 5th July 2021 in Uncategorized


After a great improvement on Monday with some 4 1/4 hour rounds, it was disappointing to see that some have returned to a having casual walk in the park.

This lead to rounds stretching well over 5 1/4 hours today!

The following instructions are aimed at addressing this issue, so please take note. All players should:

  1. Arrive at the course at least 15 minutes before your tee time, and be ready at the 1st tee when it it your turn

  2. Be realistic about your tee shot – do not wait until the group in front is on the green to tee off, and be ready when it is your turn

  3. Once two players in your group have holed out – they must go to next tee and hit off when safe to do so – not score the hole, or wait for the rest of the group.

  4. Shorter hitters should tee off first – play ready golf 

  5. The primary goal must be to catch the group in front, regardless of whether they are a 2, 3 or 4 or there was a gap in the booking sheet – Just catch up!  Do not cause a bank up by just ‘staying ahead’ of the group behind – and then race over the last few holes to finish in 4 1/2 hours – the damage to the field will be done.

  6. Walk with purpose to your ball, to the tee etc – please don’t amble along 

  7. Players found to be continually or habitually falling behind may find their group moved to the back of the field for any future bookings. 

Remember: Golf is self regulated – all members must monitor their own pace of play – and call out members of their group that are unreasonably slow or need to step it up.

It is up to each and every member to address this issue – it cannot be fixed by the Committee or the Course staff – unless of course we were to apply the rules strictly and direct groups to skip holes or even disqualify them mid round, and instruct them to leave the course. (Nobody wants that – so let’s all step it up!) 

Reality check: If your best drive has only gone 180m and you are still 230 out, uphill and into the wind – chances are you won’t reach the green on the fly.

Please, be realistic with your expectations and abilities.

Also, we are not playing in the Masters or the Open – checking a shot or a putt from 6 different angles, and taking 4 or 5 practice swings is just not on, and please, save the tantric breathing and mindfulness exercises for the next wellness retreat.

You have a maximum of 40 seconds per shot from the time you reach your ball, including cleaning your ball, measuring your distance, and selecting your club – but that doesn’t mean you have to take 40 seconds!

If you are in a cart and have to walk across to your ball – take 2 or 3 clubs with you. Don’t walk to your ball, have a look, walk back to your cart, grab a club, walk back, change your mind etc etc..

Play ready golf, when it is safe to do so.

Move directly to your ball, and be ready to play as soon as you can; don’t meander down the fairway in a group of 4, peeling off to your ball and then coming back for a chat! 

Many players just cannot afford to be spending 6+ hours of the day at the Golf Course. 

A round of golf should take no more that 4 hours 20 minutes (Stableford/Par) or 4 hours 30 minutes for Stroke.

Low markers in each group should be leading the example and maintaining pace of play and moving the group forward.

If you are the last group in the competition field, you do not have carte blanche to hold up green fee players, nor do you ‘let them through’ to continue your leisurely stroll.

Score cards will be monitored to check the time the first card in a group is submitted, and groups found to be unjustifiably over the recommended time will be penalised.

Groups finishing more than 10 minutes behind the group in front of them will also be subject to penalty. (These recommended times allow for lost balls and walking between holes)

Repeat occurrences will affect competition playing privileges or result in being moved to the back of the field.






Timesaver Hints

Always be ready to hit

  • Proceed directly to your own ball.
  • Where applicable, lift clean and place you r ball well in advance of your turn – do not wait until it is you shot to do this
  • Plan your shot and select your club when approaching your ball.
  • Only take one (1) practice swing and prepare yourself while others are hitting – 40 seconds maximum.
  • When in doubt as to where your ball went, notify your marker and hit a provisional ball.
  • If necessary, encourage your playing partners to maintain a good pace of play.
  • Know the Rules of Golf, including those about out of bounds, penalty areas & lost balls.

Don’t waste time

  • Even if starting after a gap in the field, your group must aim to catch the group in front.
  • Never record scores on or near the green. Count strokes and record scores at the next tee.
  • Don’t leave a cart/bag in front of the green. Leave it to the side towards the next tee.
  • If necessary, carry extra tees, ball markers and, if necessary a ‘provisional ball’ in your pocket.
  • If safe to do so, encourage players on incorrect fairways to play through.
  • At the turn, quickly purchase food/drink. If out of position, do not stop for a chat.
  • Out of position means: The group is more than the starting interval behind the group in front of them or a par 4 or par 5 hole is open before the group reaches the teeing area of that hole.
  • Do not give tips/lessons/instruction on the course. Reserve that for a practice session – it is not permitted during competition anyway.

On the tee

  • The first player – or the shortest hitter – ready to hit should do so as soon as it is safe.
  • Encourage your playing partners to tee off as soon as they are ready.
  • Other players should wait next to the tee markers – not behind the person teeing off, distracting them and causing them to ‘reset’.
  • All players should watch other players shots to help pinpoint the position of the ball.
  • After hitting, each player should return to their bag/cart and be ready to proceed directly to their ball – no dawdling down the fairway chatting – especially if the balls are not near each other.

On the green

  • Park clubs/cart to the side of the green (10m) in line with the path next tee.
  • Study the line, slope, grain, etc before it is your turn.
  • Encourage your playing partners to putt, if they are ready to do so.
  • Follow continuous putting rules until holed out, unless restricted by another player’s line.
  • When the first two player are finished putting, they should proceed to the next tee (without disturbing the other players yet to putt).  There is no point three people standing around doing nothing when the group needs to catch up.

Nobody finds 5 – 6 hour rounds enjoyable, and whilst you may eventually finish promptly – (if you hurry over the last 4-5 holes because there is now a big gap in front of you) – the damage is already done and the domino effect has seriously impacted the rest of the field.

Please, think of other players and do the right thing.


Thank you.

YGC Match Committee

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