Saturday 24 April 2021 – Rob Laughlin Memorial Ambrose
Published on 15th April 2021 in UncategorizedDear members,
On Saturday the 24th April 2021 Yarrambat Golf Club, in conjunction with the extended Laughlin family, are hosting a Team Ambrose event (handicapped stroke) with an 8AM shotgun start.
Rob’s two boys, his best mates, his mum and sisters (some travelling down from New South Wales) will be joining us to celebrate Rob’s love of golf, mateship and the Yarrambat Golf Club.
We hope to commemorate the new bench ‘pole’ seat on the 5th hole – erected in memory of Rob by his family and friends. When you sit and enjoy the view (and wait for the groups/s in front to hurry up), take a moment to enjoy the serenity, to appreciate what we have, and remember Rob’s larrikin love of life, nature and a yearning for simpler times.
Get your team of 4 together for the day, enjoy the round (there will be the usual team competition – 1st, 2nd, 3rd) and then join us in the bar after for a few words, and a beer or wine on Rob.
Such was Rob’s love for the camaraderie of the Club, he left instructions in his will for just such an occasion. So enjoy the round, and then enjoy a round and linger a little longer to remember a great bloke taken too soon, and celebrate his love for his family, and golf.
Jas is also setting a YGC Member’s special lunch menu from which the hungry hordes can select.
We’d love to share a brew or a yarn with you, so we’ll see you there.
Bookings open this Sunday night.
Mark Wilson
YGC Handicapper extraordinaire and all around good bloke.