Wednesday & Saturday Bookings

Published on 15th June 2021 in Uncategorized


In an effort to ensure competition integrity, pace of play, and prevent the incursion of hordes of public players into the field; later bookings will be ‘bunched’ or brought back to the pack.

It is also intended to trial a random ‘mixing’ of groups on Medal days in 3 group blocks – to ‘randomise’ playing groups during these competitions. This will assist  members meet new people, new groups and help integrate new members who struggle to break in to the various ‘cabals’ and also offer a bit of variety once a month.

These measures will also assist in keeping the Club, “a Club” – where competition golf is played, as opposed to a social group where you can play with the same groups every day for 40 years.

Bunching the late bookings will also afford the Course the opportunity to on-sell the unused Club preferential booking spaces – without impacting our field – to improve financial viability, and thus help them to maintain and improve our course.

The last few rows of the sheet will be ‘reserved’ until all other spaces are taken, and then opened a row at a time as demand requires.

It is anticipated that the ‘3 group shuffle’ will commence in August –  for example – this would mean that the players in 7:30, 7:37 and 7:44 groups would be randomly shuffled for that day.

For those members who are reluctant to change, or who are so strong in their view that they don’t want to play with anyone other than the same group they have played with since Methuselah picked up a club, we request you give it a try. It is only one round a month, and your “usual group” may be one behind or in front, or may not change much – it is a random shuffle of players generated by the booking software.

It is requested that any questions are forwarded to the Match Committee via the Secretary’s email.


YGC Match Committee

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