Wednesdays & Saturdays.
Published on 22nd June 2021 in UncategorizedWEDNESDAY & SATURDAY BOOKINGS
The proposed ‘mixing/shuffling’ of groups on Wednesdays and Saturdays will not be happening every week.
The intent is just to mix it up a little bit, and only every so often, possibly once every 2 or 3 months – (maybe to coincide with the seasons).
We appreciate that many groups have played together “for years”, have side bets going, like to banter with each other, share rides or carts, feel apprehensive about playing with lower or higher handicappers etc., and that’s ok.
Once every two or three months the groups will be mixed within a 20 minute time frame (first 3 groups, second 3 groups and so on), with due consideration given regarding those who share carts (or if there is some tribal level, 20 year feud, that prevents you playing with a particular member).
This will allow members to mingle on-course, perhaps pick up on new rules or rule interpretations, new ways of playing a hole, and allow new members the opportunity to spend time with different groups, to expand their playing options.