AGM & an update.

Published on 2nd September 2021 in Uncategorized

Dear members,

We waited with bated breath over the one, then two weeks of a ‘short sharp lockdown’ as ‘we went hard and early’ to ‘get ahead of this thing’. We did the right thing, and hoped that everyone else did to, so we could ‘open up’ and ‘get back to living’… Sadly we were to be disappointed as ‘case numbers started to rise’ and we feared ‘this thing could get away from us’.

We looked north and saw what was happening over the border and prayed we had ‘the right approach’, that we could ‘ride this out’. It was not to be, two weeks turned to 4, and 4 weeks turned to 7 – and at present the end of that tunnel holds a very dim light.

Once again, we look at some of the seemingly strange restrictions and variations, which are aimed, in good faith, at the big picture of keeping hospitals empty so the cardiac, cancer, maternity, road trauma patients can get lifesaving treatment. It can be easy to lose sight of the needs of ‘community’ when we are all suffering as individuals, and we all share the frustrations brought about by ‘lockdown fatigue’ – and wonder will this ever end?

It would seem, with the Delta variant taking hold (and the South American variant looming) regardless of what we all hope and pray for, the “road back” to post-COVID normality will be dependent on vaccinations – it is clear there is no COVID-ZERO – this will be with us for a long time, and some aspects of life as we knew it will take a long time to return, if at all. There are strong indications that any return to group activities such as movie theatres, pubs, restaurants and community sport will be restricted to those who have been vaccinated (including those who have a genuine medical condition which prevents vaccination.)

We are also mindful that once again businesses are suffering, both small and large, and retirees are not really enjoying the ‘sunset years’ as they had planned. YPGC for yet another year have lost a significant % of their income, through mini-golf, the range and green fees as well as having again suspended the payment instalments of all course members green fees.

I am sure that whatever eventuates after 23 September we would all be happy to get out on the course under any circumstances, even if only to spend 20 minutes on the range, although hopefully the extension to a 3-hr exercise limit may see a return of 9 hole golf!

If, and when, we return to golf the Committee will continue to work with Mitch, Brock and staff to balance the needs of the course with the desires of the golf starved YGC members.

The Match Committee are again exploring all sorts of scenarios to see what events are possible to achieve and what events may be postponed to next year.

We are still hopeful of being able to return before November for the Club Championships, but it may be that 2022 has two!

With the current restrictions, and again with approval from Consumer Affairs Vic., we will be deferring the AGM to a date to be set later in the year. We are still hopeful of holding an in-person event, and it may also to be combined with an end of year event (fingers crossed) – but we have to wait and see where the road out leads and we have a clearer picture.

As you know YGC annual membership renewals fall due on 31 October 2021, and the Committee have made the decision to retain the current fee levels for the 2021/2022 membership year. Membership renewal notices will be sent out toward the end of the month.

In this environment, bank transfer or deposit will again be the only option available – no cash or cheques can be deposited at a Bendigo Bank branch). The Club will be supplying new Club polos and cap, as well as polos for the Senior Pennant team players and we had hoped they would be ready for the new membership year, but as you can imagine – COVID is interfering with this process. We will continue to pursue this to have them ready as soon as possible.

I apologise for the delay providing this update, but I was genuinely praying I would not have to write it!

I encourage you all to stay in touch with your friends and family so when we return, we are all in a good headspace, and please continue to be kind to each other through this stressful time.

Stuart Thompson
President YGC


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