Golf returns – if we reach 80% by Sunday!

Published on 22nd September 2021 in Uncategorized


Great news! In line with recent Government advice, we are expecting return to golf once the target of 80% first vaccination dose is reached. 

Currently this date is forecast for Sunday 26th Sep.

YGC Preferred bookings will open as usual 3 days before play at 8.00PM. Sunday bookings will open at 8:00 PM this Thursday night.

All YGC (and YPGC) bookings are contingent on the 80% target – if we don’t get there the course will not open and all bookings will be cancelled.

Please note, for YGC members wishing to book OUTSIDE COMPETITION BOOKING TIMES, the course are opening the (non-comp) timesheets 4 days in advance in the hope that a return to play is possible from Sunday. However, this is contingent upon our vaccination rates reaching 80%. Should this not occur by Sunday (or any other day within the 4 day booking window), all bookings will be automatically cancelled by the Golf Operations Team and you will need to re-book. You will be notified of the confirmed open date as soon as possible.

Belgravia Leisure Course (5 or 7 day) members will have priority access to our booking sheet from Thursday 23rd September, 9am – 12pm. 

After this time the tee sheet will be open to the public for bookings.

The Quick 18 Yarrambat Tee Times App is no longer working due to an Apple licensing issues, and the Yarrambat Park Golf Course website must be used for non-comp time bookings. Belgravia are trying to solve those issues with the app developer.

And remember to click the ‘Member Booking Page: Click here to book outside of YGC Comp Times

(This is what their booking page looks like)


How it will operate

The course will be operating two 9 x hole courses off the 1st and 10th tees for the first fortnight of operation. 

⏳ Please check in to the Pro Shop no earlier than 10 minutes before your tee time.

😷 Compulsory wearing of fitted masks (no snoods,  turtle necks or scarves etc) both indoors and outside and check-in via the Service Victoria QR Code app.

☕ The Grass Lands café  is open for takeaway only. Seated areas are not in use, indoor or outdoor. Please leave the course immediately after your round is complete.

💻 Online bookings only. No walk-ins. (you will not be given access to the golf course without an online booking)

👪 Groups of 2 players per tee time only – no exceptions – it saves the hassle of explaining to anyone who asks ‘who lives with who’ – just go with the flow for the first few please please.

🎯 Players MUST reside within 15KM of YPGC.

🕗  4 hour time limit for exercise still applies

❎ Driving range closed – except for booked lessons with the Pro (do not sneak on!)

Restrictions are subject to change in line with updates from the State Government.  

Your Course Membership (Direct debits)   

  • Your course membership will be re-activated from the first date the course is open, you will not need to do anything


When further restrictions ease, there will most likely be a vaccination requirement, as is occurring at Clubs across the State (Royal Melbourne, Commonwealth etc) and most Councils are requiring their staff to be vaccinated. To provide a safe environment for our members, as we are required to do under the various legislative instruments, it is anticipated that competition play or play in YGC time blocks will only be available to players who have had at least one vaccination, and those who have a legitimate medical exemption – with a cut-off date for double vax yet to be determined).

Please continue to register your status with the Secretary via the club email.

Golf Australia are supporting the vaccination requirement to ensure a return to play as soon as possible, and as RMGC Club Captain and Barrister Andrew Kirby said;

“A legitimate medical reason will not be: I am waiting for Pfizer; I could not get a vaccination appointment yet; I don’t trust the vaccines, the vaccines are a conspiracy to embed us with 5G network tracking devices, I’d prefer vitamin D and sheep dip etc”.

I have a medical condition. Can I get an exemption?

Further legitimate and authorised information on vaccinations

You may be exempt if you are unable to be vaccinated because you have a medical contraindication as determined by ATAGI clinical guidance.

You will need evidence from a medical practitioner about this – such as a medical certificate or a letter.

The Club will sight and record evidence from one of the following authorised medical practitioners:

  • general practice registrars on an approved 3GA training placement
  • public health physicians
  • general physicians
  • infectious disease physicians
  • clinical immunologists
  • gynaecologist
  • obstetrician
  • GPs who are vocationally registered
  • GPs who is a fellow of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners
  • GP who is a fellow of the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine

Players who have provided evidence of a medical exemption are still subject to any other Chief Health Officer Directions that may apply.


Further advice will follow as more information is made available.

Regards, and please stay away from the “protests”! (We do not want to shut down or isolate for 14 days from the first day back!)


Stuart Thompson

President YGC


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