$5 competition entry fees return this Sunday
Published on 29th October 2021 in UncategorizedFellow members,
With the easing of restrictions as we have reached the 80% double vaccination target, proper competition conditions can resume.
From SUNDAY 31st October 2021 the $5 entry fee will be re-instated.
Please use a $5 note in a proper envelope with your name clearly written upon it, in the fees slot next to the computer.
Gold, 50 & 20 cent coins are acceptable if you cannot find a $5 note, but 5 & 10c pieces will be rejected and added to the Royal Children’s Hospital donation.
Please continue to use the MiScore App, or if you so desire, you can return to traditional scoring with cards (don’t forget to sign them and drop them in the scorecards slot).
If you go to Woolies, the self serve checkouts dispense $5 notes, and the stationary aisle stocks cheap envelopes.
Hopefully the NTP will also be able to return soon.
Happy golfing and I hope you round for a post-round for a coffee, beer (or 1/2 a dozen potato cakes) and catch up with your mates.
Stuart Thompson
President YGC