Pace of Play report

Published on 9th October 2022 in Uncategorized


Since the introduction of the Local rule 5G (Pace of Play) the Match Committee have worked on improving the administration of the rule. We admit we haven’t always got everything right however we are committed to improving our communication and keeping the membership updated.

Here are the latest statistics [using MiClub data].

Average round times for the months of August and September combined were;

  • Monday 4 hours and 8 minutes,
  • Wednesday 4 hours and 11 minutes,
  • Saturday 4 hours and 20 minutes.

Over this period there were 16 breaches (involving 4 groups). As a result of those breaches;

  • 2 groups were issued with ‘First Breach’ notices,
  • 1 group was disqualified,
  • 1 group was issued a 2 stroke penalty.

 3 other groups were outside of the local rule times but provided acceptable explanations for the delay and no further action was taken.

While pace of play at Yarrambat Golf Club has clearly improved since the local rule was introduced, the Match Committee is mindful that pace of play is something that needs continual attention from all golfers. It is important to remember that your pace of play is likely to affect how long it will take other players to play their rounds, including those in your group and those in the following groups.

The match committee encourages all members to;

  • Keep up with the group in front,
  • Monitor their round time on the MiScore app, and
  • If you realise you are falling behind, make an effort to catch up.

One effective way to make up time up is to send the first two players who have putted out on the hole to the next tee to hit off.

If you have any queries please don’t hesitate to ask a member of the Match Committee. A copy of local rule 5G [Pace of Play] can be found on our website in the resources section under Local Club rules.

 YGC Match Committee

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