McGrath & Prostate Foundations fundraiser – Wed 9th & Sat 12th

Published on 5th October 2024 in Uncategorized


Cancer research is vital to all of us – all of us have been touched by cancer or had family members that have been affected.

On Wednesday wl& Saturday we are raising funds for for these foundations so that we can continue to work toeard a cure for this insidious disease.

Wednesday is Par off the RED TEES, Saturday is off the ORANGE TEES.

Competition entry is $10 and a BBQ run by your Committee members will be on from 8:30 ($2.50 snags).

We will take cash or card payments this year.

Wear something PINK or BLUE and show your support.

Donations will be accepted, and $1 per wipe (minus) would be a great start!

Thank you for your support.

yGC Committee 

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