2024 Club Championships Draw – Final
Published on 16th November 2024 in UncategorizedGood evening,
In A, B, C Grade the top 10 players and ties have been grouped for the final round.
There will also be a scratch top 4 field to capture lead contenders for Club Champion.
For all other a Stableford competition will be the competition of the day.
All players are reminded to maintain their position in the field, to play promptly and keep up with the group ahead.
Lengthy delays are just not acceptable – play ready golf, not glacial golf.
2 hours & 5 minutes front 9, 2 hours 5 minutes back 9.
If you fall behind, catch up.
Hit a provisional if you are unsure about your ball and remember 3 minutes is the MAXIMUM time you can search for a ball.
Rules reminders:
- Loose impediments: can be picked up and removed – no sweeping away or scratching with feet or clubs – this is illegal and will incur penalties for improving your lie
- Marking you ball on the green – mark your ball before olifting and replace it in the same place, not to the side or in front of your marker. Failure to mark and replace your correctly incurs 2 penalties and a DQ if you fail to recirtfy your mistake before the next hole.
- 16th water hazards – if you are in the water or ‘snake gully’, you cannot take a drop on the green side of the water under any circumstances. Go back over the water and drop on the line from the point of entry.
The Leaderboards.
Good luck to all contenders: play hard, play well, and play fair.
C Grade

B Grade

A Grade


THE DRAW – Final

YGC Match Committee